

全球教育中心的使命是通过交换学生来增进全球了解, scholars and faculty between 威尼斯人平台 and other countries. We affirm that international educational exchange can advance learning and scholarship, build respect and understanding among different people, and encourage responsible leadership.

How do we support our international students at 威尼斯人平台?

We are happy to have you as students at 威尼斯人平台. 威尼斯人平台有来自23个不同国家的约100名国际学生. 全球教育中心在这里帮助你在美国生活的过渡,并支持你实现你的教育目标! 办公室从早上八点半开始营业.m. 至下午5时.m.星期一至星期五. Later meeting hours can be requested on an individual bases by contacting oie@zhonglvhuitong.com.


UNIV 193-02: 职业发展 through an International Lens

Offered in the fall semester, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5pm - 5:50pm
This course is designed for students who are international students, or U.S. students who have grown up in other countries, to understand how to use important career development tools, 工作授权, 以及在学生的大学经历中参与高影响力实践的重要性. 这是一门非常实用的课程,有很多学生互动,并有机会练习重要的职业发展技能.

Here are what former participants have said about the course:

“职业发展课程让我更好地了解了作为一名国际学生将面临的问题. It gave me a perspective on how to handle educational, professional, and social life. Jennifer Adams小姐和Jennifer Vrobel小姐完美地展示了班级申请. 在这种课堂上,每个人都参与了愉快的课堂互动。”——哈塞特·内格西(埃塞俄比亚)

“如果你想找一份实习工作,职业发展课程是很有优势的, 作为国际学生在美国找到一份工作或任何其他类型的工作经验. I learned important information that is not taught in any other class and, 结果是, I feel a lot more confident in applying for jobs and internships now than I did before. I would recommend this class to any international student, even if they do not intend to work or do an internship in the United States, as circumstances can always change and this class can only benefit them.——Ishan Thapa(尼泊尔/文莱)

“职业发展课程为我提供了重要的职业相关信息,这些信息是专门为国际学生量身定制的. The guidance provided in this course helps International students plan their CPT, 选择, and any future career-related endeavors.——阿莫德·塔帕(尼泊尔/文莱)

If you have any questions about the course, please contact jadams@zhonglvhuitong.com or jvrobel@zhonglvhuitong.com.

Other ways we support our international students:

  • International Student Orientation prior to first year or departmental orientations
  • Airport Pickup for students living in on-campus housing
  • Continuous support as you adjust to life in the united states
  • Access to all university support services


全球学生协会 (GSA)

GSA是一个公认的校园学生组织,所有威尼斯人平台的学生都可以加入. 这个组织策划文化活动,为威尼斯人平台的学生提供机会, faculty and staff to learn about world cultures and events that shape our world. The organization also plans social and community service events for its members. Watch your e-mail for important announcements and 在Instagram上关注GSA.

GSA Executive Board for 2022-2023 Academic Year

总统: Grace Djaodo(社会工作)
副总裁: Joy Ayinde(生物医学预科)
财务主管: Kirubel Asfaw (业务 Management, Data Science Minor)
秘书: Josh Baron (Environmental Studies)
服务的椅子: Daniel Mlinga(生物医学预科)
宣传椅子: Halima Ag Boula (International Studies)

More Resources for 国际学生

Aya Ueki International Student Scholarship

ayueki的父母设立了一个奖学金来纪念和纪念他们的女儿, a former 威尼斯人平台 and Hokuriku Gakuin University student, who had a love of global learning. International students who have completed at least one semester at 资本, who are in good academic standing, and who have demonstrated campus involvement are encouraged to apply. The scholarship is open to any academic program of the university (ESL, 本科, graduate studies and the adult degree program.)奖学金可用于支付下一个秋季和春季学期的学费, 但不能用于支付夏季学费或偿还以前的大学债务.

Students who meet the qualifications can apply for the Aya Ueki International Student Scholarship using the online form.


威尼斯人平台合作院校的学生或学者可以申请威尼斯人平台作为交换项目的一部分. 每年, 可用的参与者名额数量是确定的,但前一年参加的学生数量是确定的. 一般来说,每个交流伙伴每年有1 - 3个名额.


To participate in an exchange program, students must provide the following documents:

  • An 交换应用程序 有合作机构的签名,表明你已经被他们批准参加.
  • 一份经济担保书和一份译成英文的活期银行对账单. Students need to demonstrate they have sufficient funds to live and study in the U.S. while participating in the program. This is determined by the length of time you will be studying. 学生在申请F-1学生签证时应该保留一份这些信息的副本.
  • Copy of the Information page of the passport
  • Demonstration of 英语 proficiency. If students are enrolled in 资本 courses, students may demonstrate they have sufficient 英语 skills from taking one of the following exams; TOEFL or IELTS, 分数.

所有学生都应该 在MyCap中更新他们的地址 搬迁后10天内. Immigration regulations require an address update in SEVIS. 请发邮件到 oie@zhonglvhuitong.com to make sure address has been updated.


填妥此表格 online and we will process your request as soon as possible.

Vacation and Travel Request Form

填妥此表格 (PDF) and submit it with your I-20 to Lesly Boateng, RM 121, Harry C. 摩尔学生会.



选择性实习培训(选择)是一个为你提供临时工作以获得所学领域实践经验的机会. 一般, F-1学生有资格获得最多12个月的这种类型的工作,每个教育水平(学士学位, 硕士, 等.).


STEM 可选实践培训

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. STEM 选择为完成STEM专业学习项目的毕业生提供额外24个月的可选实践培训机会. 美国.S. 国土安全部要求学生I-20上列出的专业和专业CIP代码与他们的STEM CIP代码列表相匹配. 符合这些要求的资本专业列表列在STEM 选择说明上. 美国.S. 国土安全部还要求雇主在考虑STEM 选择延期之前满足特定要求. 雇主必须有一个电子验证的就业号码,也必须与雇员一起完成, sign and regularly evaluate the employee on form I-983; training plan. 有资格获得STEM延期的人必须在当前选择结束日期之前提交此申请. Unlike a traditional 选择 application, a STEM extension requires employment and a specific employer prior to applying.



课程实践培训——有偿或志愿临时就业——是F-1移民身份的学生在毕业前获得所学领域的实践经验和工作许可的一种方式. 学生必须在CPT期间的实习或临床工作中获得学分, 或者工作必须是学术课程的必要部分或组成部分,如大学公报或学术课程的学生手册中所述. 资格要求学生在一个学年的合格移民身份下全日制学习, or on F-1 status for one academic year. ESL students are ineligible for CPT. The controlling federal regulations is 8 C.F.R. § 214.2(f)(10).

下载完整的资料简介 and Form


GSA是一个公认的校园学生组织,所有威尼斯人平台的学生都可以加入. 这个组织策划文化活动,为威尼斯人平台的学生提供机会, faculty and staff to learn about world cultures and events that shape our world. The organization also plans social and community service events for its members. Watch your e-mail for important announcements and follow the activities on Instagram.

Popular trips and events have included:

  • Trip to Old Man’s Cave and Hocking Hills State Park
  • 去伊斯顿购物
  • 文化之夜
  • 万圣节南瓜雕刻
  • 哥伦布动物园的野生之光
  • Skiing or Tubing at Mad River Mountain
  • 滑冰
  • 哥伦布地铁公园之旅
  • 感恩节晚宴



导演: Ms. 詹妮弗·亚当斯,M.A.
[14]哈利C. 摩尔学生会 (near the 资本 Mail Room)
电话: 614-236-6170
传真: 614-236-6290
电子邮件: jadams@zhonglvhuitong.com or cge@zhonglvhuitong.com
